Home » Studio X launches Cohort 3, a part of its Energy and Climate Tech Accelerator Program

Studio X launches Cohort 3, a part of its Energy and Climate Tech Accelerator Program

The Cohort 3 by Studio X has launched its Energy and Climate Tech Accelerator Program: AI Technology Systems, Austere Environmental, Economical Energy, Flexergy, Onvol, Project Geminae, and SeisWave.

The Cohort 3 is part of Studio X’s accelerator program which was launched in 2020 as a way to accelerate the pace of innovation in climate tech for the energy industry.

All the start-ups will participate in the 16-week program. They will obtain access to exclusive pros in the cohort being – 

  • Cohort-only programming and content
  • Customized support
  • Hands-on mentorship
  • Actionable instruction 
  • Pass to world-class industry experts
  • Monetary support, like investment and more.

The company plans to increase the growth of these start-ups and impact their innovations. The program offers a community of scientific minds, investors, entrepreneurs, innovators, climate solutions providers, and so on.

Jeff Allyn, CEO of Studio X, said, “Our accelerator program helps to close that gap through bringing together an engaged community that grows these companies at a faster rate, ultimately driving innovation, and helping to evolve global energy solutions,”

In Cohort 3, after moving from the competitive application process, seven start-ups were selected for their approaches, innovative energy solutions, and commitment to assist coalitions around the world in achieving NetZero goals. 

The start-ups offer solutions in many industries, for example – energy, climate tech, green energy solutions, emissions management, digital transformation, step-change operational efficiency, or mobility.

AI Technology & Systems – A NASA iTech company offering compressed AI models and software for edge AioT (artificial intelligence of things) tiny electronics. 

The technology covers equipment monitoring, predictive maintenance, smart farming, smart transportation, and smart solutions running without the internet while providing privacy and security.

Austere Environmental – It is an environmental solution focusing on the extraction of chemical contaminants in soil, drill cuttings, and tailings. 

Its technology offers the cleaning of soil, cuttings, and tailings with an environmentally friendly means at a lower price than current remediation methods.

Economical Energy – It is a long-term energy storage company. It has created VIPER, the vertically integrated potential energy reservoir, which is a reinvention of gravity-based energy storage. 

The start-up’s tech allows energy companies to cost-effectively store cheap renewable wind and solar energy when it’s available, to sell it at a later time for a higher price.

Flexergy – This is a developing technology for a highly efficient hydrogen gas compression, storage, and distribution system. 

The start-up plans for hydrogen compression, reduce energy loss and reduce the final cost of hydrogen. It plans to optimize the hydrogen supply chain to offer involvement in the widespread adoption of clean and sustainable energy solutions.

Onvol – A technology company that works in industrial IoT power solutions for applications in wind energy, transport, and mining. 

Its first product is VolPower™, an energy harvesting tech powering sensors installed within wind turbine blades, allowing them 24/7 power for the operating term of the equipment with a simplified plug-in-and-forget solution.

Project Geminae – It is an AI-powered portfolio optimization platform that offers predictive modeling across a variety of industries. 

Its tech and business model synchronizes data across organizations and delivers probabilistic models, adaptive financial forecasting, and collaborative workflows.

SeisWave – This is a geophysical start-up specializing in delivering cost-effective cloud-based services with developing technology and transparent workflows. 

It offers new ways for exploration expectations and the financial dynamics of this strategic workload in the terrain of the geophysical industry.

Max Gray, director of the Studio X accelerator program, said, “I have been privileged to see groundbreaking work in energy innovation over the past two Studio X Accelerator Program cycles”

“We can’t wait to help our new cohort members evolve and deliver viable solutions to help our industry realize step-change results in their energy transition journeys.”

Source: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/studio-x-announces-its-newest-accelerator-cohort-to-support-the-next-generation-of-energy-and-climate-tech-innovation-startups-301961185.html